Freelancer: ScottContina
Report Entry

Scott's WIP

Here is my work-in-progress. I have the color, radius, and a shape working. I will finish up the other shapes if you like what you see. I just have a line of code that I borrowed from the net to convert the colors.

Contest Entry #4 for                                                 Draw shapes and lines

Public Clarification Board

  • philwatt
    Contest Holder
    • 5 years ago

    You are on the right path.
    Do not bother with the rectangle and the circle.
    The most important are the lines and the polygons.
    About area calculations:
    - For polygons: it's the surface of the shape, that's all.
    - For lines: this is the length multiplied by the height (which is given by the user in the input field)
    For colors, no need to differentiate for the moment, points, lines and areas.
    Thank you for your work in progress.
    If we can distort lines and polygons by moving their points, I think I'll give you the project.

    • 5 years ago